要用nano打开一个新的、未命名的文件,请使用: nano 要在nano 中编辑一个现有的文件,请使用: nano filename 在这两种情况下,你都应该看到一个类似这样的界面。 nano 命令示例 要保存(或放弃修改)并退出编辑器界面,请使用Ctrl+x键。 请参考我之前创建的 itsfoss.com 来适应它。 11、clear 命令:清除终端屏幕 ...
sudo EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano visudoCopy However, the /etc/sudoers file itself is supplied by the system packages and modifications may break on updates. Therefore, it is recommended to put custom configuration into files in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory. Any file in there is automatically include...
8. mkdir命令 “mkdir”(Make directory)命令在命名路径下创建新的目录。然而如果目录已经存在了,那么它就会返回一个错误信息"不能创建文件夹,文件夹已经存在了"("cannot create folder, folder already exists") root@raspberrypi:/opt/labpark#mkdir raspbox 注意:目录只能在用户拥有写权限的目录下才能创建。mkdir...
Use-pto specify the directory in which to install the chroot and scripts. Be sure to quote or escape spaces. When entering the chroot, either specify the full path of the enter-chroot or start* scripts (i.e.sudo sh /path/to/enter-chroot), or use the-cparameter to explicitly specify ...
directory 参数: -a :相当于 -pdr 的意思; -d :若来源文件为连结文件的属性(link file),则复制连结文件属性而非 cp 命令 转载 精选 wg_naicBcjB 2012-04-25 20:47:06 553阅读 cp # cp /etc/inittab /tmp/inittab.new # nano /tmp/inittab.new cp 原创 413123954 2015-10-30 09:09:46...
Make sure the main executables folders are included there. But if you didn’t edit this file, it shouldn’t be an issue. You canuse Nano to edit this filefrom the administrator session if needed. Just be careful,doing a backup is probably a good idea. ...
——Tin_Tse chrome 分享14赞 ubuntu吧 noone999 [转载] 随身带着走的作业系统 ~安装Linux作业系统于随身碟~sudo apt-get cleansudo rm -rf /tmp/*sudo cp /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.baksudo nano /etc/rc.local 在「exit 0」这一行上方,加入下面三行之后,写入离开。if [ ! -e /var/cache/apt...
Then copy the file to termux bin directory usingcatcommand below or use a root file browser to manually place it. cat "/storage/emulated/0/Download/sudo" > "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo" Settermuxownership and executable permissions. ...
This option can set a HOME environment variable to our home directory of the root user as described inside the passwd file. The sudo command by default doesn't change HOME. 12. -s: It stands for the shell. This option executes the shell described through a SHELL environment variable when ...