switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to sectors (command 'u'). Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) e Partition number (1-4): 1 Partition 1 is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Command (m for help): n...
[tom@bogon tmp]$ sudo -l [tom@bogon tmp]$ sudo mv a /usr/local/ 如果mv不可以使用报错-bash: mv: command not found 或者-bash: tcpdump: command not found,在tom添加路径 vi /home/tom/.bash_profile修改path PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin 添加后, 更详细的参考:http:/...
... deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian squeeze main contrib non-free# deb http://non-us....
然后就可以更新了。 # mv sources.list /etc/apt/ # apt-get update 这样把软件源配好之后,你再执行apt-get install才能够正确的安装东西。 sudo默认是没有安装的,需要你在配置好软件源之后,通过apt-get install sudo来安装,然后执行visudo或者vi /etc/sudoers来修改,照着root的写法在下面加上一行就可以了。
jenkins@796e2601a1bc:/usr/share/jenkins$ sudo mv jenkins.war jenkins.war.bak bash: sudo: command not found 解决方法: 使用管理员用户启动容器类的进程。 docker exec -it -u root jenkins-test /bin/bash (其中的jenkins-test是我的容器名字) ...
删除此目录下文件和 目录,重命名此目录下文件和目录,剪切和复制(比如命令 cp mv touch rm)。
linux sudo下composer command not found的问题 首先了解到linux当在执行sudo命令时是从原进程的基础上fork一个子进程出来,然后用子进程运行的命令,如 sudo cd /data 其次sudo下只能执行系统自带命令 用find查找到 composer.phar文件目录 mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/bin/composer 移动到全局命令下...
/bin/mv .name_of_file saved.name_of_file Or you can just delete it /bin/rm .name_of_file Again, quit and start a new Terminal session. (1) Reply User profile for user: Shengmai Shengmai Author User level: Level 1 13 points Nov 24, 2016 9:35 AM in response to BobHarris ...
Run command inside a shell if checked. Copy and paste the following line into the text box that opens, then press return: mkdir disabled_shell_files Close the Terminal window that opens. Repeat with this line: mv .profile .bash_history .bash_profile .bashrc .inputrc disabled_shell_files You...
mv -f tmp_filename filename 1. 2. 特别说明:^M并不是按键shift + 6产生的^和字母M, 它是一个字符, 其ASCII是0x0D, 生成它的办法是先按CTRL+V, 然后再回车(或CTRL+M) 另外, 当SHELL程序报告command not found时, 总是去检查一下你的PATH里面有没有程序要用到的每一个命令(没指定绝对路径的那种...