该日志使用dmesg命令快速查看最后一次系统引导的引导日志 dmesg | more ⑤ /var/log/lastlog 最近的用户登录事件,一般记录最后一次的登录事件 该日志不能用诸如cat、tail等查看,因为该日志里面是二进制文件,可以用lastlog命令查看,它根据UID排序显示登录名、端口号(tty)和上次登录时间。如果一个用户从未登录过,lastlog...
grep -l -r 字符串 路径 #显示内容包含字符串的文件名grep -L -r 字符串 路径 #显示内容不包含字符串的文件名find . -path './cache' -prune -o -name "*.php" -exec grep -l "date_cache[$format]['lang']" {} \; #显示当前目录下不包含cache目录的所有含有“date_cache[$format]['lang']...
:~$ sudo dmesg | grep iwlwifi [sudo] password for privileged: [ 37.629770] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: can't disable ASPM; OS doesn't have ASPM control [ 37.651091] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: loaded firmware version build 35138 1000-5.ucode op_mode iwldvm [ 37.834202] iwlwifi 0000:03...
下一步开始配置i3-gaps dmesg | grep Error ,显示下面的错误,百度半天也没找到办法,所以想问问各位,这是什么情况 是我的内核配置的问题吗 ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve [\_SB.PCI0.SAT0.SPT2._GTF.DSSP], AE_NOT_FOUND (20180810/psargs-330 ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \...
If you're a Linux user, you've probably seen references to both sudo and su. Articles here on How-To Geek and elsewhere instruct Ubuntu users to use sudo and other Linux distributions' users to use su, but what's the difference?
alias screen top nice renice progress strace systemd tmux chsh history at batch free which dmesg chfn usermod ps chroot xargs tty pinky lsof vmstat timeout wall yes kill sleep sudo su time groupadd usermod groups lshw shutdown reboot halt poweroff passwd lscpu crontab date bg fg pidof nohup ...
◆ 安装和登录命令:login、shutdown、halt、reboot、install、mount、umount、chsh、exit、last; ◆ 文件处理命令:file、mkdir、grep、dd、find、mv、ls、diff、cat、ln; ◆ 系统管理相关命令:df、top、free、quota、at、lp、adduser、groupadd、kill、crontab; ◆ 网络操作命令:ifconfig、ip、ping、netstat、telnet...