意思是运行一个命令作为管理员(用户的“根”),使用“sudo”。看到“人sudo_root”的细节。run跑; 移动; 流动; 奔跑; 行程; 放映期; 一系列; 逃跑; 进行; 延续; 行驶; 使奔跑; 使…快速移动; 运行,经营; 划; 融化的; 浇铸的; 跑的筋疲力尽的。command命令,指挥; 司令部,指挥部; 指...
创建新的文件touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
If WScript.Arguments.count<1 Then WScript.echo "Please use command : sudo <command> [args]" ElseIf WScript.Arguments.count=1 Then UAC.ShellExecute WScript.arguments(0), "", "", "runas", 1 ' WScript.Sleep 1500 ' Dim ret ' ret = Shell.Appactivate("用户账户控制") ' If ret = true ...
Edit one or more files instead of running a command. In lieu of a path name, the string "sudoedit" is used when consulting the security policy. If the user is authorized by the policy, the followingsteps are taken: 1. Temporary copies are made of the files to be edited with the owne...
Edit one or more files insteadofrunning a command.In lieuofa path name,the string"sudoedit"is used when consulting the security policy.If the user is authorized by the policy,the followingsteps are taken:1.Temporary copies are madeofthe files to be editedwiththe ownersetto the invoking user...
linux启动终端出现To run a command as administrator (user root) use sudo command See man sudo_root,解决方法touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
"It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want to elevate a command without having to first open a new elevated console." Sudo, short for superuser do, is aprogramforUnix-like computer operating systemsthat allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another use...
linux启动终端出现To run a command as administrator (user root) use sudo command See man sudo_root 解决方法 touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
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SUDO_COMMAND Set to the command run by sudo. SUDO_EDITOR Default editor to use in -e (sudoedit) mode. SUDO_GID Set to the group ID of the user who invoked sudo. SUDO_PROMPT Used as the default password prompt. SUDO_PS1 If set, PS1 will be set to its value for the program being...