System administrators can grantsudoaccess to allow non-root users to execute administrative commands that are normally reserved for therootuser. As a result, non-root users can enter such commands without logging in to therootuser account. Su Command in Linux (Switch User)
but if you are a junior engineer, your manager will not assign the mandatory previleges which you need to execute some scripts in linux, so you need sudo command to help you. your manager will tell you which sudo services is apt to help you for your need. for example, if I want to...
在很多 Linux 发行版中,默认情况下只有系统管理员或者特定组的用户才能使用 sudo 命令。 sudo 命令的语法比较简单,一般形式为:sudo command,其中 command 为需要以超级用户权限执行的命令。举个例子,如果一个普通用户想要安装一个软件包,但是安装软件需要超级用户的权限,那么可以使用 sudo apt-get install package 来...
Sudo command Sudo is a powerful Linux command-line tool that grants a Linux user access to run commands as another user. In fact, Sudo stands for “Super User Do,” and it logs all arguments. Also, the Sudo command is mostly used when trying to install, launch and exit an application ...
[ You might also enjoy:Linux command line basics: sudo] Working as root means that you have the power to: Remove any or all files Change the permissions of any or all files Change the runlevel of the system Alter user accounts Mount or unmount filesystems ...
command 要以系统管理者身份(或以 -u 更改为其他人)执行的指令 实例 sudo命令使用 $ sudo ls[sudo]passwordforhnlinux:hnlinuxisnotinthe sudoers file.Thisincident will be reported. 指定用户执行命令 # sudo -u userb ls -l 显示sudo设置 $ sudo-L//显示sudo设置Availableoptionsina sudoers``Defaults''...
以下是你如何在 Debian、Ubuntu 和其他发行版中修复 “sudo command not found” 错误的方法。 有时,当你第一次设置或安装 时,你在用sudo尝试一些命令时,会出现 “sudo command not found” 的错误。 sudo命令是 “superuser do” 的缩写,它是一个允许用户以管理员权限执行命令的程序。sud...
## (ie, from files, LDAP, NIS, etc) in this file - just use %groupname ## rather than USERALIAS ## 这并不很常用,因为你可以通过使用组来代替一组用户的别名 # User_Alias ADMINS = jsmith, mikem ## Command Aliases ## These are groups of related commands... ...
Linux-sudo-command-tips sudo (superuser do) 它允许授权用户作为另一个用户执行命令。另一个用户可以是普通用户或超级用户,大多数时候我们使用它来执行具有更高权限的命令。 sudo 命令与安全策略结合使用,默认安全策略是 sudoers,并且可以通过 /etc/sudoers 文件配置。它的安全政策是高度扩展的,可以制定和分发自己的...