sudo apt-get update 这条命令会从软件源中下载最新的软件包列表信息。 安装Git LFS: 接下来,输入以下命令并按Enter键来安装Git LFS:bash sudo apt-get install git-lfs 这条命令会从软件源中下载并安装Git LFS软件包。 输入管理员密码: 在执行上述命令时,系统可能会提示你输入管理员密码。输入密码后按Enter...
1. 安装git sudo apt-get install git curl -s | sudo bash sudo apt-get install -y git-lfs 1. 2. 3. 2.解压apollo压缩文件,进入apollo目录,右键打开终端 git init 初始化git库 1. 3.安装docker sudo snap install docker...
If you are able to run things with sudo, then you can install the .deb file with sudo dpkg -i git-lfs_3.3.0_amd64.deb and that should install the Git LFS package. You're better off using the APT repository so it's updated automatically, though.Sign...
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_get_search; took: 0:00:00.000315 DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_invalid_operation; took: 0:00:00.000433 DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_list_upgradable; took: 0:00:00.000194 DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_upgrade; took: 0:00:00.000220 DEBUG: Importing rule: aws_cli; took:...
NOTE3: If you DO have root privilate on your machine/server, then basic tools such as libtool, ccache, git, etc. might be better installed by OS's package manager. Such as apt in Ubuntu. Only install software that are not available on the OS's packaging system. Supported Softwares Ver...
sudo apt-getinstallopenssh-servervim net-tools openssh-servervim git curl samba samba-common python3 python3-pip git-lfs curl -sSL | sh ②配置 git: gitconfig--global "yourname" gitconfig--global "your-email-address" ...