I tried to run sudo make docker-image on my Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, but failed at "returned a non-zero code: 100". After an investigation, I found that it is due to these commands in Dockerfile "RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y ...
1回答 docker-桌面wsl时间同步 、 当我在cmd上执行wsl-i -v时,我得到: NAME STATE VERSION我不能做任何sudo或apt安装。当我尝试执行wslsudo时,wsl会说"/bin/sh:sudo: not found“等等。我想运行"sudontpdate“命令</ 浏览52提问于2021-02-17得票数 0 ...
ssh host sudo cat /etc/somefile | sudo tee /etc/somefile > /dev/null 这是可行的,但是tee将它的输入发送到stdout,所以我必须将请参阅https://man7.org/linux/man-pages& 浏览0提问于2022-08-08得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 卸载安装了amazon附加程序包。 、、 sudo amazon-linux-extras install postg...