Later, one of Sudha’s friends suggested that she should work with Infosys, but Murthy said husband and wife cannot work in one organisation. She shared this incident in an interview, Murty said he did not want a husband and wife team at Infosys. I was shocked since I had the relevant ...
Sudha Murthy a disciplined writer, a technocrat with the most innovative and skilful mind has been highly esteemed with awards for her philanthropic and literary acquisition .She is writing in the back ground of Indian English Literature. The works of recent Indian writers like Anita Desai, Ruth ...
The present paper focuses on Family dynamics and its impact on present generation in novels of Sudha Murthy. The novels written by Sudha Murthy depict the lives of city technocrats who succumb to status and consumerism. They fail to live life in its true meaning be...
Sudha Murthy's ideals are an excellent example for us to follow. For the sake of your family and your husband's goals, you must have the fortitude to live a life full of risks and sacrifices. Though she did so without considering the repercussions, she selected a novel course.Maruthi ...
Later on, she was also rejected by her husband. Finally she successfully ends up in doing Ph.D in U.S. in spite of many odds.Sudha Murty projects the marginalization of Indian women at the hands of their husbands through Shrimathi and Shrikant.Key words: Literature, the traditional woman...