His departure was abrupt and completely unexpected. 他的离去很突然,完全出乎意料。 There has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues. 政府在这些问题上的想法来了个180度的大转弯。 snap /snæp/ [adjective only before noun] snap decision/judgement a decision or judge...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
In Chinese, there are two words you can use to talk about sudden, unexpected situations that happen in a very short lapse of time:忽然(hūrán) and突然(tūrán). Both of these words mean “suddenly”.忽然is usually translated as “sudden, all of a sudden“ and突然as “sudden, abrupt, ...
Okay, let's talk about suddenly! You know that feeling, right? That jolt, that unexpected twist in the narrative of your day? That's what suddenly is all about. It's the linguistic equivalent of a surprise party, a plot twist in your favorite TV show, or a rogue squirrel launching ...
(Suddenly describing a rapid and unexpected change in weather.) She suddenly remembered she had forgotten her keys. (Suddenly expressing someone's surprise at realizing something.) Learning Tip: When using "suddenly" in your English writing or speaking, remember that it adds a sense of drama or...
Suddenrefers to the quickness of an occurrence, although the event may have been expected:a sudden change in the weather.Unexpectedemphasizes the lack of preparedness for what occurs or appears:an unexpected crisis.Abruptcharacterizes something involving a swift adjustment; the effect is often unpleasan...
Suddenly is the kind of adverb you might use a lot if you're describing the plot of an action movie, a mystery novel, or any story in which lots of unexpected things happen.Definitions of suddenly adverb happening unexpectedly “suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side” synonyms: all...
中文» EnglishPinyin » 中文English » 中文字 » Char. Detail字 » Etymology Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits 🗞️Words in the News Gaza-Israel Conflict...
Suddenly SUD'DENLY , adv. In an unexpected manner; unexpectedly; hastily; without preparation. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly. Prov.6. 1. Without premeditation. Definition2025 suddenly suddenly English Adverb suddenly(comparativemoresuddenly,superlativemostsuddenly)...