Egg yolk peritonitis(females / hens only) –Common / possible symptoms:Sudden death, loss of appetite/anorexia, weakness, depression, respiratory distress, lethargy, fluffed feathers, lack of vocalizations, yolk-colored droppings, swollen vent and/or abdomen (the swelling feels spongy to the touch...
We found that cap2−/cap2− females were fertile when crossed to cap2−/cap2− males or to cap2−/cap2+ males, but few pups survived and we were unable to maintain a colony of cap2−/cap2− mice. We also monitored the weight of male and female cap2−/cap2− ...
In this study, retrospective analysis of 45 patients with clinical SD Features and fibrinogen (Fbg) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) to change characteristics. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General information from 2000 to 2005 45 patients admitted to our hospital SD patients, 31 males and 14 females...
caused byF. virguliformeand provided partial resistance to three different populations of nematodes (mature female cysts were reduced by 30–50%). In the presence ofRhg4the plants with the transgene were nearly classed as fully resistant to SCN (females reduced to 11% of the susceptible control...
Egg yolk peritonitis(females / hens only) –Common / possible symptoms:Sudden death, loss of appetite/anorexia, weakness, depression, respiratory distress, lethargy, fluffed feathers, lack of vocalizations, yolk-colored droppings, swollen vent and/or abdomen (the swelling feels spongy to the touch...
In 82 females, 67% had cardiac causes of death, whereas 33% had non-cardiac causes of death. The mean body weight in our subjects was 90.6 ± 29.6 kg. The mean heart weight for an average 87-kg man ranges from 277 to 481 g [33]. In our study, subjects with sudden cardiac death...
The SIDS group was composed of 28 cases (12 females and 16 males, aged from 1 to 7 postnatal months). SIDS was diagnosed because the routine post-mortem examination was unable to establish any cause of death. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the nervous system was carried out with par...