One of the catastrophic complications during cerebral aneurysm coil embolization is cerebral thromboem-bolism. Unfortunately, there are few signs on routine monitoring suggesting cerebral ischemia under general anesthesia. This case shows that a sudden high blood pressure (BP) without possible causes in...
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2022;29:547–64. Article PubMed Google Scholar Iorga A, Cunningham CM, Moazeni S, Ruffenach G, Umar S, Eghbali M. The protective role of estrogen and estrogen receptors in cardiovascular disease and the controversial use of estrogen therapy. Biol Sex ...
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2022;29:547–64. Article PubMed Google Scholar Iorga A, Cunningham CM, Moazeni S, Ruffenach G, Umar S, Eghbali M. The protective role of estrogen and estrogen receptors in cardiovascular disease and the controversial use of estrogen therapy. Biol Sex ...
Even when the blurred vision clears up, it can be caused due to glaucoma, uveitis (eye inflammation of middle layer of eye tissue) or even torn retina. If vision is lost in an eye, it can be a very early symptom of stroke. Very high blood pressure, internal bleeding in the head or ...
Goutis an extremely painful condition caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. This buildup occurs when there is too much uric acid in your body, a condition known ashyperuricemia. More than 30% of people with gout also have hypertension (high blood pressure). ...
a【功能主治】清热除烦,平肝,利水消肿,凉血止血。主治高血压,头痛,头晕,暴热烦渴,黄疸,水肿,小便热涩不利,妇女月经不调,赤白带下,瘰疬,痄腮等病症。 [Function mainly treats)The refrigeration eliminates bothersomely, treats disorders of the liver, favorable water detumescence, cold hearted hematischesis....
That many very remarkable change and involuntary motions are sudden produced in the body by various affections of the mind, is undeniably evinced from a number of facts. Thus fear often causes a sudden and uncommon flow of pale urine. Looking much at one troubled with sore eyes, has ...
The improved management of high blood pressure may explain the decrease in the occurrence of these accidents. Concerning epilepsy, we also found a low frequency which can be explained by better control of epileptic seizures from childhood and adolescence [14]. Compared to other studies, pulmonary ...
In contrast, sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the electrical system to the heart malfunctions and suddenly becomes very irregular. The heart beats dangerously fast. The ventricles may flutter or quiver (ventricular fibrillation), and blood is not delivered to the body. In the first few minutes,...
Preeclampsia –High blood pressure and protein levels during pregnancy that can hurt the body's organs. Gestational diabetes –High blood sugar during pregnancy. These conditions usually go away after delivery, but they have to be treated during pregnancy. Without treatment, they can lead to serious...