Angina pectoris is recurring pain behind the breastbone caused bycoronary heart disease. The pain lasts for less than 5 minutes and can radiate to the neck, jaw, upper back and down the inside of the left arm; it can be triggered by exercise, stress, heavy meal or cold environment and r...
Visual analog scales were used for preoperative and postoperative self-evaluation of pain and dysfunction on forced mouth opening and for assessment of overall change in these parameters postarthrocentesis. Maximal mouth opening (MMO), contralateral movement (CLM) and protrusive movement of the jaw, ...
Through excruciating pain and the inability to stand, he reached for his attacker’s legs, trying to bring Ethan down to theground. She holstered her gun and pulled out the syringe, plunging it into Johnson’s upper arm. He stopped violently resisting, but the tranquilizer was mild. They...