Note: small, spike-like signals that occur with or without related exit to the ventricle producing PVCs. RVT = right ventricular; HRA = high right atrium; HBE1 and HBE2 = His bundle recording catheters; RVOT uni = right ventricular outflow tract unipola; AORT ablation =...
Peptides were dissolved in the pipette solution, and the firings were evoked by injecting currents (from 50 to 100 pA). The mean values of spike number (Bin is 5 s) were normalized with the average of first min as 1. Values are shown as mean ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < ...
Thermal Imaging (Infrared-Imaging-IRI) is a promising new technique for psychophysiological research and application. Unlike traditional physiological measures (like skin conductance and heart rate), it is uniquely contact-free, substantially enhancing i