It went from cramping for two to three days, and breaking out, with a heavy flow for roughly five days, to gradual cramping throughout the day (not bad but annoying in the morning, and getting worse and sharp throughout the afternoon) and spotting/light bleeding/discharge for four to six...
History of present illness: A 38-year-old gravida 0 woman presents to the emergency department complaining of chest pain, difficulty breathing, and a blood-tinged cough that started suddenly several hours ago. She describes the pain as sharp, right sided, and worse with deep breaths. She denie...
heavily calcified coronary arteries should be removed intact, decalcified, and opened transversely; sometimes, they can be examined in situ with transverse sections made with sharp scissors; e) coronary artery segments containing a metallic stent should be referred intact to laboratories with facilities...
EEG traces revealed baseline low-amplitude desynchronized activity with frequent sharp interictal spikes followed by onset of spontaneous nonconvulsive bilateral seizure. (F) Representative traces recorded simultaneously from the left cortex (upper) and the left hippocampus (lower) of SENP2fxN/fxN ...