"Automated external defibrillators, when applied before the arrival of emergency medical services, can nearly triple a person's chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest," said Dr. SCARF celebrates mentorship program at annual gala "For patients who have just experienced a heart attack and have...
Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s electrical system stops working. There are many causes for an electrical problem, but the most common are heart attack, changes in the structure of the heart due to a previous heart attack or heart disease, high blood pressure, an...
Why do pet rabbits die suddenly even though they seemed to be healthy? Here are 10 common reasons.
ContextSudden cardiac death (SCD) accounts for more than half of all cardiac deaths; the majority of SCD events occur as the first manifestation of heart
A heart attack, on the other hand, occurs when a blocked artery prevents oxygenated blood from reaching a section of the heart. If the blockage remains, the part of the heart normally nourished by that artery begins to die. Think of it like sudden cardiac arrest is an electrical issue in...
Because I feel I cannot be this person's friend. I really wanted to be her friend. We could've been good girl friends, but I don't think she wants to be my friend, and that made me really sad. I also learned that that area is called the "heart chakra" in Eastern th...
indicate a very low risk of acute coronary syndrome.25It should be noted that Lp-PLA2 in an untreated person may rise in time, so a low Lp-PLA2 in apparently healthy people should not be used to assure someone that their lifetime risk is low. Regular monitoring remains important for lif...
Sudden cardiac arrest may stop the heartbeat, which in turn, may affect the flow of blood to other organs in the body. Breathing and an individual's heart rate reduces and stops suddenly. The person may faint or lose consciousness completely. In most cases, sudden cardiac arrest happens with...
There are many risk factors that can increase a person's risk of sudden cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death, including the following: Previous heart attack with a large area of the heart damaged (75% of SCD cases are linked to a previous heart attack.) ...
a person who is deaf and dumb.sordomudo fall on deaf ears (of a warningetc) to be ignored.caer en oídos sordos turn a deaf ear to deliberately to ignore.They turned a deaf ear to my advice.hacerse el sordo Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...