For the first three days, the 0-Mg rats in this study grew as well as the controls, but they then became anorexic and between days 3 and 4 their weight gain was reduced (P<0.05). They began to develop hyperemia, which was fading by day 6. Between days 6 and 7, the difference ...
or complete recovery within 2 weeks, were used to evaluate the final outcome of SSHL. Recovery of hearing was defined as a PTA less than 25 dB or within 10 dB relative to the unaffected ear, regardless of the size of gain. Patients were divided into two groups: the early recovery ...
My baby girl is experiencing an extreme dry skin condition. I am currently using CITTA Baby Balm for moisturization. Could you please suggest some additional methods to keep her skin moisturized and hydrated?... -Sanchari Tarafdar[View Message] ...
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. Very few doctors fall into either of these two...
Introduction In a recent times electricity grid systems have been reconsidered in response to the occurrence of extreme events. Vulnerability of centralized grids during contingency planning was made evident (e.g., in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan the area where planned ...