Blood pressure during exercise testing corresponds with blood pressure reactivity during the daily physical activities [1]. Resting blood pressure is a well defined measure for risk stratification in the general population. However, little is known if blood pressure measured during exercise testing ...
(b) Left, plot of average heart rate in control littermate mice (top) cardiomyocyte-specific CAP2-null (bottom) over the 12 days prior to sudden death of the CAP2-null mice. Note that about 5 days prior to death, the average heart rate begins to drop in the CAP2- null mice but ...
Thank you for the listed resources; I have seen some of them before and I will look into the rest. I have been on the AIP diet for close to three years now and after the first year my CRP was in the normal range (a significant drop) ...
Relation of maximal systolic blood pressure during exercise testing to the risk of sudden cardiac death in men with and without cardiovascular disease.doi:10.1177/2047487319880031Sae Young JaeSudhir KurlSetor K KunutsorBarry A FranklinJari A Laukkanen...
Differential Impacts Of Exercise Systolic Blood Pressure Response On The Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death In Men With And Without A History Of Cardiovascular Diseasedoi:10.1249/01.mss.0000562123.27259.faSae Young JaeJari LaukkanenBarry FranklinBo Fernhall...
Studies heart rate and blood pressure responses to sudden changes of gravity during leg exercise. In-flight experiments; Carotid baroreceptors; Microgravity; Time shifts; Integrated models.LinnarssonD.SundbergC.J.American Journal of PhysiologyLinnarsson D, Sundberg CJ, Tedner B, Haruna Y, Karemaker...
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing demonstrated good exercise capacity (peak VO2 40.8 ml/kg/min). An abrupt desaturation was seen at the respiratory compensation point, (Figure 1 - left) with an oxygen saturation nadir of 75% (measured in two peripheral locations), which resolved rapidly in early ...
blood pressure during nationwide health screening. The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation was used to define chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2). A self-questionnaire acquired during health screening was used to define smoking status (current...