Effects and etiology of sudden aspen decline in southwestern Colorado, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 638 – 648 .Worrall JJ , Marchetti SB , Egeland L , Mask RA , Eager T , Howell B ( 2010 ) Effects and etiology of sudden aspen decline in southwestern Colorado, USA . Forest ...
SADSudden Aspen Decline(forestry; Colorado) SADSecurity Association Database SADSecurity Administration SADService Administrative Driver SADStand Alone Device SADSoftware Architectural Design SADSystem Analysis and Design SADSum of Absolute Differences
2015. Populus tremuloides stands continue to deteriorate after drought-incited sudden aspen decline. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 1768-1774.Worrall JJ, Keck AG, Marchetti SB. Populus tremuloides stands continue to deteriorate after drought- incited sudden aspen decline. Can. J. Forest ...
We examined how climate-mediated forest dieback regulates zoonotic disease prevalence using the relationship between sudden aspen decline (SAD) and Sin Nombre virus (SNV) as a model system. We compared understory plant community structure, small mammal community composition, and SNV prevalence on 12 ...
Secondary insects and diseases contribute to sudden aspen decline in southwestern Colorado, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 2315-2325.Marchetti, S.B., Worrall, J.J. & Eager, T. (2011) Secondary insects and diseases contribute to sudden aspen decline in southwestern Colorado, USA....
Sudden aspen decline (SAD), present in many parts of North America, is the sudden dieback of branches, crown loss, and rapid mortality of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). We surveyed 21 plots in southwestern Colorado and categorized each plot by the mean percentage of recent crown loss (...
Rapid mortality of aspen (Populus tremuloides) featuring high crown loss, concurrent branch dieback, and poor suckering was first observed extensively in southwestern-Colorado in 2004. This unusual abrupt fatal phenomenon, often referred to as Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD), is the result of predisposing...
Sudden aspen decline (SAD) has become a recognizable issue among aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands on the Colorado Plateau and throughout the Western US, and Canada. Increasing temperatures coupled with drought in the early twenty-first century predisposed aspens to SAD and caused a loss of ...
sudden aspen declinecoppice silvicultureAn experimental assessment of the use of clearfell harvesting to initiate a regeneration response in commercially managed aspen forests affected by sudden aspen decline (SAD) was conducted in western Colorado in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service. Nine pure ...
Status Report on Plot Study of Sudden Aspen Decline in Southwestern ColoradoDistrict, MancosdoloresNf, San JuanMesa, GrandNfs, Gunnison