-- CURRENT fatedDetachment [CFD] There was an itching feeling he would suddenly get- the person in question who was seen on the film was right behind him; but how did they get in here without being noticed? Amidst the red mist covering their body was a floating silhouette with its right...
Guest over a year ago When I drink any form of alchol even cought mixtures my body just starts to flare up. I get red blothes all over my body and it starts to itch. Does anyone else get these symptons? However, when I drink a glass of milk it seems to calm the symptons down ...
In a vasovagal episode, the vagus nerve (one of the nerves that helps control basic body functions like heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure) is overly stimulated and can cause the heart rate to slow and blood vessels to dilate. This decreases the flow of blood to the brain and can...
In a vasovagal episode, the vagus nerve (one of the nerves that helps control basic body functions like heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure) is overly stimulated and can cause the heart rate to slow and blood vessels to dilate. This decreases the flow of blood to the brain and can...
Neoclarityn anti itching tablets Geriflox capsules (antibiotics) to treat a patch of infected exzema I hope you can help me! Could it be acid reflux? So much uncomfort in my whole chest.. Forgot to mention he did also give me Betnivate cream to treat the exzema! And I can't ...
more than 4 days in severe infections but usually does not persist past 7 days. A chronic fever may not always be persistent and is often intermittent with short episodes of a few hours/days of elevated body temperature spread over a long period of time, usually weeks or months or even ...
Blurry vision is common during pregnancy. This is because certain hormones make the body — including the eyes — retain more water. Fuzzy vision usually goes away within a few weeks of delivery. Blurred vision can also be one of the symptoms of a complication: ...
Blurry vision is common during pregnancy. This is because certain hormones make the body — including the eyes — retain more water. Fuzzy vision usually goes away within a few weeks of delivery. Blurred vision can also be one of the symptoms of a complication: ...
In a vasovagal episode, the vagus nerve (one of the nerves that helps control basic body functions like heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure) is overly stimulated and can cause the heart rate to slow and blood vessels to dilate. This decreases the flow of blood to the brain and can...