Ethiopia has also accused Sudan of crossing into its territory. Clashes erupted late last year between Sudanese and Ethiopian forces over Al-Fashqa, an area of fertile land settled by Ethiopian farmers that Sudan says lies on the Sudanese side of a border demarcated at the start ...
Local residents and eyewitnesses said that violent clashes broke out on Friday between Berti and Hausa tribes, in which firearms and white weapons were used. Blue Nile State is situated in eastern Sudan, on the border with Ethiopia. The state has the Roseires Dam, which holds the largest elec...
Sudan govt., Darfur rebels in talks in Ethiopia South Sudan, Sudan relations under threat over oil transit fees EU concerned about Sudan’s closure of Tearfund Sudan stations militia troops at northern desert Camp leaders, activists detained in West Darfur capital Dismantling IDPs Camps in Darfur,...
"The secretary-general is deeply concerned about the renewed clashes between Sudan and Ethiopia along their disputed border that took place on June 22, and reportedly resulted in the death of seven Sudanese soldiers and one civilian," Stephane Dujarric, the UN chief's spokesman, told a daily p...
In late January 2005, Port Sudan witnessed violent clashes between police and supporters of the Beja Congress in which 19 people were killed. Eritrean and Sudanese military forces face each other on the eastern border. The situation is very tense and could deteriorate extremely rapidly. We advise...
In recent weeks the United Nations has been able to deliver aid into West Darfur from Chad and has aid trucks ready to reach other parts of the region, but said "unrelenting clashes" were stopping them from reaching the people in need. "Darfur's people are caught in a...
South Sudan: 130 rebels said to be killed in fresh fighting 03-17-15, 09:46 PM, Associated Press South Sudan rebels confirm heavy fighting in north 03-17-15, 09:29 PM, AFP Agence France Presse Sudan describes the agreement on Ethiopia dam as an important achievement 03-17-...
NAS insisted the SSPDF had taken out its anger on local artisanal gold miners after coming off second-best in a skirmish with NAS forces (, January 4; Sudan Tribune, January 5). Further clashes between NAS and Mathiang Anyoor in the following days resulted in the reported death...
Even as inter-fighting between former rebel groups in Southern Sudan has recently killed hundreds (See SUDAN: Fresh clashes in Jonglei State “worrisome” – UN official.) , the UN has just come out with a report that states that the fighting inside Darfur has become much less deadly than ...
"The secretary-general is deeply concerned about the renewed clashes between Sudan and Ethiopia along their disputed border that took place on 22 June, and reportedly resulted in the death of seven Sudanese soldiers and one civilian," Stephane Dujarric, the UN chief's spokesman, told a daily ...