Field tests on suction pile retrieval were conducted in sandy seafloor soil. The measurements include the relationship between the applied positive pressure inside the pile and the resulting pile movement. They have been used to calculate the mobilized effective soil friction angle ratio, which ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts Volume 29, Issue 6, November 1992, Pages 381Geomechanics abstract FoundationsSoil structure interaction model for a suction pile platfiorm : Rasmussen, J L; Christensen, N H; Haahr, F Proc 10th International ...
Traditionally, the suction pile design has considered very comprehensive soil failure mechanisms in general practice. However, the structural plate buckling criteria for suction pile with large D/t ratios are not well defined to reflect the current industrial codes and standards. This paper performs ...
ABAQUS, which can simulate the soil-foundation interaction conveniently and accurately, has been the most extensively used in the analysis of offshore suction bucket foundations; Aspects include but not limited to: installation, bearing capacities under variable kinds of loading conditions and the effect...
Discrete model for dynamic through‐the‐soil coupling of 3‐D foundations and structures An efficient discrete model for predicting the dynamic through-the-soil interaction between adjacent rigid, surface foundations supported by a homogeneous,... JS Mulliken,DL Karabalis - 《Earthquake Engineering &...
Suction Pile Foundations: Kinematic Soil-Structure Interactiondoi:10.3723/OSIG17.516D. BertalotO. ZanoliA. Murianni
Field tests on suction pile retrieval were conducted, including concrete and steel piles, in sandy seafloor soil. The measurements include the relationship between the applied positive pressure inside the pile and the resulting pile movement. They have been used to calculate the mobilized effective ...
Currently, the industry primarily focuses on studying the mechanism and force characteristics of the interaction between the pile and the soil. Few researches regarding the integration of the suction bucket-jacket are present. In the study, the equivalent three-dimensional nonlinear spring stiffness is...
A macro-element to simulate 3D soil–structure interaction considering plasticity and uplift Int. J. Solids Struct. (2009) X. Guo et al. Effects of local scour on failure envelopes of offshore monopiles and caissons Appl. Ocean Res. (2022) Z. Jin et al. Influence of local scour on th...
The former is a model which reduces the soil-structure interaction to a line (pile axis), and greatly reduces the number of degrees of freedom. The pile itself is modelled with Timoshenko finite elements, and the soil response is included via Green’s function for an arbitrary horizontally ...