ORA-01408: Such Column List Already Indexed 1. ORA-01408错误的含义 ORA-01408 错误是 Oracle 数据库中的一个错误,全称是 "ORA-01408: such column list already indexed"。这个错误表明你尝试在 Oracle 数据库中创建一个索引,但是该索引所基于的列组合已经存在一个索引。在 Oracle 中,单个列或列组合只能被...
ora such column list already indexedora such column list already indexed ora这样的列列表已编入索引 重点词汇 ora <拉>口,孔 column 柱 ; 栏 ; 专栏,栏目 ; 长列,纵队 ; 纵行 ; 纪念柱 ; 柱形物 ; 圆形石柱 ; 圆柱状物 indexed 使指数化 ; 将…编入索引 ; 为…编索引 ; 将与挂钩 ; index的...
ERROR at line 1: ORA-01408: such column list already indexed Workaround: When XMLTYPE column is stored as BINARY XML, then it works correctly. It also works if we first add the new column, then drop the old one, instead of dropping it first. Cause Sign In...
MPRINT(DB_INDEX_ADD): execute ( create index ... on maxdata.mplan_working_m_orphans (workplan_id,merch_level,merch_id) ) by mmx_db; ERROR: ORACLE execute error: ORA-01408: such column list already indexed. If this issue is encountered, drop the index from the table indicated in the...
Oracle Database Cloud Service - Version N/A and later: 12.2:DB Upgrade Fails With "ORA-01408: such column list already indexed"
Column 'opOrderID' is constrained to be unique. Value xxxx is already present. Column mapping while importing Excel to sql database table Column named ABC cannot be found. Parameter name: columnName COM class factory error: 8000401a. Com error 0x800401F3 when trying to instantiate class Comb...
Each entry in the first column of these csv files contain an utterance whose corresponding video clip can be found here. Each utterance and its video clip is indexed by the season no., episode no., scene id and utterance id. For example, sea1_ep2_sc6_utt3.mp4 implies the clip ...
Firewall is already turn off, internet is up able to browse website. No antivirus is installed. Please advise, thank you very much :)All replies (7)Monday, January 21, 2013 6:21 AMCan you see any entries in the log file ?Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP, http://sqlblog....
where C is some constant (optional) and the mean and std are for each column of X. You may obtain even better results by using PCA or ZCA whitening on X (assuming ZERO MEAN data), using python syntax: [U, S, V] = svd(cov(X)) X_w = X.dot(U).dot(diag(1. / sqrt(diag(S...