succinic acid noun suc·cin·ic acid(ˌ)sək-ˌsin-ik- :a crystalline dicarboxylic acid C4H6O4that is found widely in nature, that is formed in the Krebs cycle and in various fermentation processes, and that is used chiefly as an intermediate in synthesis (as of pharmaceutica...
sulphonicgroup, which is a strong acid, whereas acetylsalicylic acid contains a carboxylic group and salicylic acid, one carboxylic and one phenolic group. At pH 8.4, the sulphonic and carboxylic groups are neutralized, and the three compounds are in monoanionic form (second pKaof salicylic acid,...
Effect of presoaking seeds with succinic acid, gibberellic acid, ascorbic acid and salicylic acid on yield and oil content of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)Kene, H KDabre, W MSontakey, P YKale, M R