Hydrolysis of 33a,b to dicarboxylic acid mixture 34a,b and isolation of cis-isomer 34a. Decarboxylation of 34a to 35a.). Vinyl monomers differ in their response to RFI addition. Acrylates, acrylic acid and N,N′-dimethyl acrylamide add RFI to high conversion, instead of polymerizing, when...
Other organic acids of interest include itaconic acid, adipic acid and acetic acid. The major applications of itaconic acid include the use as a copolymer with acrylic acid and the conversion to many commodity and specialty chemicals including pyrrolidones and 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol [1]. ...
The major applications of itaco- nic acid include the use as a copolymer with acrylic acid and the conversion to many commodity and specialty che- micals including pyrrolidones and 2-methyl-1,4-butane- diol [1]. Although they are not among the twelve platform chemicals, adipic acid is a...