Following breakouts to the Norwegian mountains and Hollywood Hills, “Succession” found the walls of a single Manhattan location closing in again for Episode 7, titled “Tailgate Party.”While not quite as claustrophobic as the season’s fourth episode, set entirely in the late Logan Roy’s pen...
Succession season 4 will no doubt have the largest viewership of any Succession episode 1 to date as its loyal fanbase has grown dramatically — though nowhere near as dramatically as the events of the show itself.Succession season 3 was perhaps the most dramatic to date. Following Succession se...
Season four, the final season, marks the culmination of years of intricate plotting, and emotional breakdowns. Kendall, Roman, and Shiv face the prospect of a future without Logan's omnipresent control after his sudden death in the episode "Connor's Wedding." The episode, one of the most ...
From “ludicrously capacious” bags to eldest boys, pretty much every character got their time in the quotable sun this season. So, in honor of Jesse Armstrong’s writing, and the cast’s impeccable delivery, we’re looking back at the best lines from each episode, because there are many ...
"Succession" This Is Not for Tears (TV Episode 2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
RELATED: Succession Season 4 Cast & Character Guide Succession Season 4 Has 1 Episodes Left (From 10 Total) Succession season 4 has released nine episodes so far, leaving only one episode left from its usual total of 10. Season 3 was the only exception to the show's 10-episode format,...
1200x675 GQ Magazine cast of #Succession explains how"> Get Wallpaper 1500x1000 Succession Season 3 Is Happening; HBO Renews Acclaimed Drama"> Get Wallpaper 1400x1050 How 'Succession' Became the Best Show on Television"> Get Wallpaper 1200x675 Succession episode 3 recap: pig hunting...
7 HBO/Kobal/Shutterstock Sticking the landing.Successionviewers were shocked to see Logan Roy (Brian Cox) killed off three episodes into season 4 — but the HBO show’s castshowed their support for the twist. In an episode which aired on Sunday, April 9,Connor Roy’s (Alan Ruck) wedd...
Additionally, Justin Kirk, who guest starred as controversial right-wing Congressman Jeryd Mencken who earned ATN's endorsement in Episode 6 last season, will be back for more, as will be another guest star from the same episode, HBO veteran Stephen Root as Ron Petkus, the lecherous organizer...
2021 Saturday Night Live Himself (host) 1 episode 2022 Gaming Wall Street Himself (narrator) Documentary miniseries The Boys Presents: Diabolical O.D. (voice) 1 epsiode Solar Opposites Glen (voice) 2 episodes (season 3) 2023 Agent Elvis Gabriel Wolf (voice) 1 episode TBA Scott Pilgrim...