Neither the Funder nor the Sponsor will have a role in study design; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication Introduction Background and rationale {6a} Paranoia refers to the belief that other peo...
The main statistical analyses aim to estimate the group mean differences and associated 95% confidence intervals at the 6th week (end of the 6-session treatment), 12th week (end of 12 session treatment), the 18th week and the 24th week post-randomisation (6 weeks and 12 weeks post-treatment...
Find out if the LIMS has a configuration environment. Some cloud solutions allow little or no adaption at all. Some, like Xybion LIMS, have a separate configuration environment. You may also need a test environment where configurations are formally tested before they are added to the live syst...
which consisted of (1) the oral interview with the participants, and (2) the outline written down by participants about their language learning history as if writing a language memoir at the beginning of the interview.