some of my fondest memories involve talking to people with whom I share nothing in common. Whether my conversations are about the Qatari coach’s research on Kuwait’s female voting patterns, or about the infinite differences between the “common app” and the Oxford interviewing process, or eve...
University of Oxford 8 years of experience I love supporting students with narrative stories, cover letters, academic essays, theses and dissertations. Learn more Busy now Kai T. B.A. in English Language & Literature Yale University 5 years of experience "My approach focuses on clarity...
Interacting Agents in Financial Markets; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2005. [Google Scholar] Martin, L. Extending Kolkata Paise Restaurant problem to dynamic matching in mobility markets. Jr. Manag. Sci. 2019, 4, 1–34. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Harlalka, A.; Belmonte, A.; ...
The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2017; pp. 34–58. [Google Scholar] Puglisi, R.; Snyder, J.M., Jr. Empirical studies of media bias. In Handbook of Media Economics; North-Holland: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015; Volume 1, pp. 647–...
University of Oxford 11 yearsof experience "I am experienced editing admissions essays, recommendation letters, as well as academic papers and theses." CollegeCover LetterGraduateLawMedical School Learn more Busy now Linda R. A.B. in Communication ...
Time to heal: American medical education from the turn of the century to the era of managed care, Oxford University Press, New York (1999) Google Scholar 21 Appleby KJ. Hospitals’ profit margin hits 6-year high in 2004. Available at: URL:
, The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (2011) Social Groups and Social Effectiveness (popular writing) • Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) • Goman, The Nonverbal Advantage (2008) • Ferrazzi & Raz, Never Eat Alone (2005) • Petz, Guide to a Successful...
Lucie-Smith holds an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University. He has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, valuation and taxation. External appointments Mr. Lucie-Smith currently serves as a Non-Executive Director on a number of Boards including Massy Holdings Ltd...
Successful Harvard Essay I learned the definition of cancer at the age of fourteen. I was taking my chapter 7 biology test when I came upon the last question, “What is cancer?”, to which I answered: “The abnormal, unrestricted growth of cells.” After handing in the test, I moved ...
Promoting active and successful aging has become crucial to improve quality of life in later adulthood and reduce the impact of cognitive decline. Increasing evidence suggested that the ability to think creatively (e.g., via divergent thinking), similar