Getting into college is a major accomplishment but students shouldn't assume that they will automatically rise to the top just because they have an acceptance letter. Here are six expert tips to help students achieve success with their time spent in school.Emily Driscoll...
According to a poll of 1,000 students by the company eLearning Infographics, study habits vary widely. Below are some of its findings about the study habits of the average student. (Fun fact: About half of poll respondents said they’d prefer to have root canal surge...
Nearly every college student hates cram (填鸭式) sessions. 1 And while there’s no guaranteed roadmap to success in college, changing your study habits and adjusting your approach to your classes can make a big difference. The following tips are a great place to start. ...
Data from a longitudinal study showed that after two years of college study successful students (those completing the first two years) were less likely to report using systematic study methods than when they started college, but more likely to report using "deep level" approaches to study (i.e...
studying at night could also help you become someone who ruminates over the events of the day when everyone else has gone to sleep. Both tools help you become a better you for the future ahead. In other words, think about building habits that will outlast the four walls of college because...
For most students, an ‘A’ effort requires good study habits. Do your children know what grade you expect them to achieve this marking period? Do they clearly know the level of effort you expect of them? #2: Communicate directly with the teachers ...
Saint James School of Medicine provides some guaranteed methods to improve your successful study habits. If there’s one thing that students learn in med school, it’s that you can be a smart, successful student without feeling stress or burnout. In fact,the most successful students are o...
And while there's no guaranteed roadmap to success in college,changing your study habits and adjusting your approach to your classes can make a big difference.The following tips are a great place to start....
We all know that habits are important. We are who we are because of what we do on a consistent basis. It is not what we do once in a while that determine the results we get in life, it is what we do on a daily basis that count. Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals ...
aIt's well-known that a good habit is the beginning of success, so today let's talk about some good habits among successful students. One of the good habits is that they all have clear goals.If they make sure their destination, they will try their best to arrive.Second,they all h [...