your success rate will improve dramatically, and, like many skill sets, good trading comes from a combination of talent and hard work. Here are the four strategies to serve you well in all markets, but in this article, we will focus on the Forex markets. ...
In most interviews of proven successful traders, they will tell you that they are independent thinkers. They don’t look to Twitter, the trading forums, they don’t phone a friend….everything they do if from their own opinions and fall in line with their trading edge. They understand they...
What trading strategies work best for Linda Raschke? How does John Carter remain cool, calm,and collected when the markets are sending mixed signals? And how did Todd Gordon make the transition from part-time to full-time trader? Bourquin and Mango ask all of these questions and more in ...
Expert Advisors/Martindale/Gambling I am a complete Newbie at this Forex thing but just to stir the pot a bit, I have noticed in looking at the various threads that and the inability to program Metatrader4 language figure prominently. So to go in reverse order. I was brought up on Basic...
But when i give them a value which return from chartgetinteger(), mathfloor() and mathceil() return wrong value. Now get value from chartgetinteger() w=717, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358. So i think it is mathfloor() and mathceil() problems
Because of the anxiety and stress of our tumultuous lives and specific situations that happen inside them, we as a whole could make use of positive strategies for unwinding. With all the utilization of fundamental oils you will feel the stress cbd oil canada slip from the body, you should ...