Requi- | ressor- | estneed. 要使第1行和第3行成为适当的四音节,它们需要另一个重音音节——比如:“Success | is count- | ed sweet- | est dear。” 这在技术上被称为欠音节的诗,它对这首诗的声音有有趣的影响。虽然稳定的抑扬格通常听起来有保证和有节制,但末尾缺失的音节会造成一种下降的感觉。
success is counted sweetest解析success is counted sweetest解析 "Success is the sweetest reward"是一种很常见的表达方式,意思是成功是最大的奖励。它强调了成功给人们带来的满足感和幸福感,使人们感到自己的努力和付出得到了最好的回报。 这句话还可以被理解为“成功是最值得追求的东西”,因为它给人们带来了...
Success Is Counted Sweetest 狄金森认为对于从未失败的人来说,无法真正体会成功的滋味。 Success Is Counted Sweetest 《成功最为甜蜜》由19世纪美国传奇女诗人艾米莉·狄金森所作。 本期【社科5分钟】平台有请到重庆电子工程职业学院国际学院...
——Emily Dickinson Success is counted sweetest 从未成功的人们 By those who ne'er succeed. 最懂得成功的甜美.T o comprehend a nectar 惟有极度的渴求Requires sorest need. 方能体会甘露的滋味.Not one of all the purple host 身穿紫服的王者之师Who took the flag today 今日虽高扬凯旗,Can tell the...
成功的甜美 Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed.To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag today Can tell the definition,So clear, of victory As he, defeated, dying,On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph B...
狄金森(1830---1886)美国十九世纪杰出的女诗人。她的诗通常短小精悍,简洁明快,善用具体而独特的意向,感情真挚,寓意深刻,在平易自然中见出她对人生的思考,她与惠特曼一道成为现当代美国诗歌的开拓者。 练习: 翻译句子: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. ...
These lines also establish the poem's meter, which is iambic trimeter: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed. The first line has an extra unstressed syllable, creating a feminine ending; this may seem like a hiccup, but the speaker will actually repeat this same pattern al...
诸多尝试均以失败告终。故这首诗正是狄金森的肺腑之言—— 在疆场上,垂死的士兵才真正懂得胜利是如何来之不易,那些耀武扬威的胜利者反倒无法体悟到成功的意义。 成功,对于失败者来说,才是最甜蜜的。
SuccessIsCountedSweetest ——Emily Dickinson Successiscountedsweetest从未成功的人们 Bythosewhone'ersucceed.最懂得成功的甜美. Tocomprehendanectar惟有极度的渴求 Requiressorestneed.方能体会甘露的滋味. Notoneofallthepurplehost身穿紫服的王者之师 Whotooktheflagtoday今日虽高扬凯旗, Cantellthedefinition却无一人能...
emily-Success_is_Counted_Sweetest1 SuccessIsCountedSweetest EmilyDickinson Stanza1 SuccessiscountedsweetestBythosewhone'ersucceed.TocomprehendanectarRequiressorestneed.paraphrase:从未成功的人们最懂得成功的甜美.惟有极度的渴求方能体会甘露的滋味.Thisstanzatellsus:Thepersonwhobestunderstandsthemeaningofsuccessisthe...