Success| iscount- | edsweet- | est Bythose| whone'er| succeed. Tocomp- | rehend| anec- | tar Requi- | ressor- | estneed. 要使第1行和第3行成为适当的四音节,它们需要另一个重音音节——比如:“Success | is count- | ed sweet- | est dear。” 这在技术上被称为欠音节的诗,它对这...
Success Is Counted Sweetest 狄金森认为对于从未失败的人来说,无法真正体会成功的滋味。 Success Is Counted Sweetest 《成功最为甜蜜》由19世纪美国传奇女诗人艾米莉·狄金森所作。 本期【社科5分钟】平台有请到重庆电子工程职业学院国际学院...
狄金森(1830---1886)美国十九世纪杰出的女诗人。她的诗通常短小精悍,简洁明快,善用具体而独特的意向,感情真挚,寓意深刻,在平易自然中见出她对人生的思考,她与惠特曼一道成为现当代美国诗歌的开拓者。 练习: 翻译句子: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. ...
•“Success is counted sweetest, / By those who ne’er succeed.”(纵然她们从未成功的人,也深深明白成功的甜蜜) •这句著名的诗句来自于美国诗人艾米丽·迪金森创作的诗歌《成功的滋味》。这句诗如同泪水般温润,深深触动了无数人的心弦。它传达了一个关于成功的深刻真理:只有那些经历过失败,却依然坚持追求...
作者:艾米莉·狄金森 Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. 成功,是所能品尝到的 最甘甜的滋味 对从未成功的人而言 想要品味那一份玉液琼浆 需要最强烈的欲望 Not one of all the purple Host ...
sayingthatadefeatedsoldier,dying,fullycomprehendsthemeaningofvictorywhenhehearstheenemycelebrating.[PresentedbyTingTing]Successiscountedsweetest SuccessiscountedsweetestBythosewhone'ersucceed.成功是最甜美的在未成功者眼里,成功最甜蜜。欲尝神酒之美味,苦涩必经历。紫袍金甲骏马骑,虎视执战旗;
Success is Counted Sweetest——Emily Elizabeth Dickinson 成功最为甜蜜 陈绍鹏 译 Success is counted sweetest 从未获得成功的人 By those who ne'er succeed. 认为成功最为甜蜜。 To comprehend a nectar 为了领略美酒的滋味 Requires sorest need. 需要经历痛苦的困境。 Not one of all the purple Host 那些王...
Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag today Can tell the definition So clear, of victory. As he, defeated, dying On whose forbidden ear, The distant strains of triumph Break,...
“Success is counted sweetest” is a famous poem written by Emily Dickinson. This poem explores the theme of success and suggests that those who have known only failure or defeat can truly appreciate success. With its unique rhythm and captivating imagery, the poem captures the essence of what...