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Let me start off by saying I am an avid NYC subway rider, and am very thankful to have it at my disposal. For $2.90 per ride or $34 per week unlimited, I can go absolutely anywhere in the five boroughs, and even a bit beyond. I’ve had loads of great subway experiences — and...
The Subway is the fastest and most convenient way to get around NYC, especially during rush hour. 在紐約市內往來,特別是在交通繁忙的時間,乘搭地下鐵路是最方便快捷的方法。[...] and Randolph Street, just minutes from Chicago Transit Authority (CTA...
Haven’t ridden public transit in a while? Miss the soothing screech noises of the subway tracks? Well now you can “STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS PLEASE” from the comfort of your own home! The NYC Subway Sounds app is the perfect remedy for your cabin fever. Currently there are 37...
I’ve never done anything close to any kind of military service. I’m curious about what it is like on board those ships the day they find out they’ve been selected to come to NYC for Fleet Week. It must be like Christmas for the single, 18-30 year old men on board. ...
I have plenty of work & lots of constituents 2 talk 2. I was on my way to City Hall for 4pm bill signing with@NYCMayorbut it just got cancelled! I am leaving now to go District Off. Good announcements from ...
SUBWAY:NYC - Map + Train Times评分及评论 4.4(满分 5 分) 759 个评分 br3v,2019/02/13 Simply: it works Having a static picture of the subway system is a huge plus for any regular subway rider. I like that train data is reported by fellow New Yorkers who I trust miles more than the...
MTA NYC Transit & MTA Bus Thanksgiving Holiday Service Site News 0 MTA Thanksgiving 2022 Service Info Posted byTransit Blogger onNovember 23rd, 2022at3:42 pm The 2022 Thanksgiving holiday is upon us & the MTA is the best way to get around the region. Here is the service plan information...
Officials rush to assure ‘no credible threat’ to NYC’s subways Gov. Cuomo actually got on a moving subway to assure New Yorkers all was OK underground. (Photo: Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit) While waiting for a train to take me back to Brooklyn from the Upper West ...
"We're doing everything we can to try and keep our employees safe. We're trying out different pilots at different stations, installing more cameras in our cars, cameras in our stations," said Demetrius Crichlow, senior VP of NYC Transit's Department of Subways. ...