9. When the First Fleet arrived in Sydney in 1788, they stepped ashore at this spot, now a mecca for tourists and locals alike. Hint The Rocks Pleasure Point Strawberry Hills Kangaroo Point 10. Which direction would you travel to get from Sydney CBD (Central Business District) to Eastern...
在阿德萊德(Adelaide)的市中心、鄰近的北阿德萊德(North Adelaide)及在海濱市郊撒馬佛(Semaphore),您會遇上不少LGBTQIA+人士。日間這裡洋溢著輕鬆悠閒、海岸式時尚氛圍;晚上您會見到活力充沛的雞尾酒酒吧和高檔優雅的本地酒吧。舉世知名、別開生面的阿德萊德藝穗節(Adelaide Fringe Festival)每年在2月至3月間舉行,讓...