substring_index函数是一种用于字符串处理的函数,它可以在一个字符串中查找指定的子字符串,并返回该子字符串的第一个或最后一个出现的索引位置。 确定实现方案 在了解了需求和substring_index函数的功能之后,我们可以开始确定实现方案了。根据需求,我们可以使用Python编程语言来实现substring_index函数。Python提供了丰富的...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于python indexof substring的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及python indexof substring问答内容。更多python indexof substring相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
There is no built-in function to get the list of all the indexes for the substring. However, we can easily define one using find() function. def find_all_indexes(input_str, substring): l2 = [] length = len(input_str) index = 0 while index < length: i = input_str.find(substring...
在使用python编写代码时,有时会遇到字符串方法index()抛出ValueError: substring not found错误的情况。这提示我们试图查找的子串并未出现在目标字符串中。为避免程序因这个错误而中断,可以采用if判断语句或try...except语句来实现更健壮的错误处理。采用if判断语句,可以先检查子串是否存在于字符串中,避免...
Python Code: # Function to find index of substringdeffind_Index(str1,pos):# Check if pos longer than str1iflen(pos)>len(str1):return'Not found'# Iterate through str1foriinrange(len(str1)):# Iterate through posforjinrange(len(pos)):# If match found, return indexifstr1[i+j]==...
pythonknowledge subString: nknowledge Explanation: Firstly, an original string is created. Then, a slicing operator is used in which a startIndex is passed. Finally, in the received output, we see that the character at startIndex is included and the substring is generated till the end of the...
index(arg1) print(arg1_index) except ValueError as err: print(arg1+"不存在于字符串:"+arg2) string = "笨鸟工具," sub_string = "2" sub_index(sub_string,string) 运行python文件,得到输出: 2不存在于字符串:笨鸟工具,
How can I find the index of a substring(for both single and multiple occurence) in python without using any in-built function? astr=input("enterstring\n") 27th May 2020, 2:29 PM BADAL BAHINIPATI 6 Respuestas Ordenar por: Votos Responder ...
我有一个方法: function isSubString(word,array){} 该方法,给定一个单词数组和一个单词数组,尝试该单词是否是数组中其他单词的子字符串。 for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){ if(JSON.stringify(array[i]).indexOf(JSON.stringify(word))>0){ return 1; } } return 0; 例如array=['home','dog']...
substring(int startIndex, int endIndex)完全类似的东西,该方法根据前一个字符串的开始和结束索引返回一个新字符串在我的实现中,我只会截取第一个字符,并返回剩余的字符串。下面是我用java实现的代码。public String cut_string(String word) String temp = word.substring(1, word.leng...