private void DDL_AreaBind() { conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“strcon”].ConnectionString); string str = “0000”; cmd = new SqlCommand(“select AreaID,Name=ltrim(Name) from Area where right(AreaID,4) ='” + str + “‘”, conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new...
Substring is commonly defined as a function that is utilized to return a segment of a string. Different databases follow different means of doing so. For instance, in ORACLE, the function is SUBSTR(), in MYSQL, it is SUBSTR(), SUBSTRING(), and in the SQL server, it is merely SUBSTRING...
SQL SELECTname,SUBSTRING(name,1,1)ASInitial,SUBSTRING(name,3,2)ASThirdAndFourthCharactersFROMsys.databasesWHEREdatabase_id <5; 结果集如下。 name初始ThirdAndFourthCharacters 主mst tempdbtmp 模型mde msdbmdb 以下示例说明如何显示字符串常量abcdef中的第二个、第三个和第四个字符。
SQL SELECTname,SUBSTRING(name,1,1)ASInitial,SUBSTRING(name,3,2)ASThirdAndFourthCharactersFROMsys.databasesWHEREdatabase_id <5; 結果集如下所示。 NAMEInitialThirdAndFourthCharacters mastermst tempdbtmp modelmde msdbmdb 以下是如何顯示字串常數abcdef的第二、第三和第四個字元。
sql中字符串的切割、截取、删除、替换、计算字符串的长度函数# select-- 替换法 replace(string,'被替换部分','替换后的结果') -- device_id, replace(blog_url,'http:/url/','')asuser_name -- 截取法 substr(string, start_point, length*可选参数*) ...
SQL SELECTname,SUBSTRING(name,1,1)ASInitial,SUBSTRING(name,3,2)ASThirdAndFourthCharactersFROMsys.databasesWHEREdatabase_id <5; 結果集如下所示。 NAMEInitialThirdAndFourthCharacters mastermst tempdbtmp modelmde msdbmdb 以下是如何顯示字串常數abcdef的第二、第三和第四個字元。
We hope this helps, thanks for reading and if you have any further questions then don't hesitate to comment below. This entry participates in theTechNet Guru contributions for June, 2013contest. References String Functions (Transact-SQL)
If the start position is less than 1, then the start position is interpreted as if it is 1 and the string length is reduced by (1–start position). For examples, see following. If the start position is greater than the number of characters in the string, or the length parameter is 0...
In conclusion, SUBSTRING is a beneficial function in SQL Server that allows us to extract a portion of a string based on a specific starting position and length. It can manipulate and transform string data in various ways, such as removing unwanted characters, extracting meaningful information, an...
The length, in number of characters or in number of bytes forbinary,of the string to be returned. The following example displays the first initial and last name of each employee. USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT SUBSTRING(FirstName, 1, 1), LastName FROM Person.Contact; GO ...