¡ This HSBC Substitute Form W-8BEN-E may be used for the purposes of trading US stocks by an entity that: a. is a Hong Kong tax resident only; and b. has a FATCA classification of Active Non-Financial Foreign Entity (Active NFFE) 此滙豐W-8BEN-E代用表格適用於需要進行美股交...
内容提示: SUBSTITUTE W-8BEN FORM Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner For United States Tax Withholding 1. Please complete general information: Beneficial Owner ___ Country ___ Business Name (if applicable) ___ Address ___
适用于主动非金融外国实体的 W-8BEN-E 代用表格填写指引 W-8BEN-E 代用表格必须准确填写,不得涂改. 如果填写有误,请用新表格重新填写. 请勿使用涂改液或任何其他涂改工具. 所有 W 表格均必须以英文填写. A A. 重要提示 请详阅本节和相关指引,确保您正确填写此代用表格. © HSBC Group 2023. All Rights...