Use 1:1 coconut oil for vegetable oil in your recipe. You want to make sure your coconut oil is melted if you need liquid oil for your recipe. Coconut oil is sold below 76 degrees F. Coconut oil is great for cooking at high temperatures above 400 degrees F. Coconut oil has a sweet...
As with swapping dairy products for oil, you have to watch the amount of liquid in the batter. "If your mixture is very liquidy, I would suggest reducing the other liquid in that recipe by about a quarter-cup," Bench says. Combining dairy with a vegetable or fruit, whether shredded or ...
Mashed bananasreplace oil measure for measurein your muffin recipe. Use overripe bananas, which are quite soft and have a high moisture content. Peel the bananas, place them in a large bowl and mash thoroughly with a potato masher or fork. Make the mixture as smooth as possible, unless you...
I just purchased some guar gum! 🙂 Cant wait to try it out in my gluten free lemon cupcake recipe. Thanks for the info on your site. Reply Jennasays: September 27, 2012 at 7:18 am That’s great to hear Sophia! Let us know how you get on with your recipe. ...
Bread Crumb Substitutes Out of bread crumbs? Find an alternate. Brown Sugar Substitutes Used all your brown sugar? Find help. Butter Substitutes Find something to use instead of butter in your recipe. Capers Substitute No Capers? Check our table to see what you can substitute. Cheese Sub...
Enjoy this delicious nutella-like substitute over anything you wish - perhaps a slice of freshly toasted sourdough bread or your favourite crackers? Many thanks to Margaret for testing multiple variations of this recipe before coming up with this winning blend....
suitable fat mimetic for one part of oil. Thus, if 1g of a 25% solution of maltodextrin is used to replace 1g of oil, a reduction of 8kcalg−1is achieved. These substances are used as fat mimetics in table spreads, sour cream, frozen desserts, frostings, table spreads and salad ...
In addition, cocoa butter is one of the rare vegetable fat materials that is naturally solid at room temperature. In fact, the other solid type fats are obtained by fractionating (for example, palm oil or palm kernel oil) and/or hydrogenation (palm kernel oil, copra oil). These steps requ...
Honeyis 20 to 60 percent sweeter than white sugar. About ¾ cup honey can be substituted for about 1 cup of white sugar. For every 1 cup of honey, reduce the amount of other liquids in a recipe by ¼ cup and add ¼ teaspoon of bakingsoda. This is because honey is naturally aci...
Ingredients for making muffins (wheat flour, sugar, sunflower oil, fresh eggs, milk, baking powder and iodized salt) were purchased from a local supermarket. Cooked apple puree was used to replace sugar and fat (sunflower oil) in muffins. Cooked apple puree was obtained from apples purchased...