(2014). Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change, by Gerard J. Connors, Carlo C. DiClemente, Mary Marden Velasquez, & Dennis M. Donovan. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy: Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 261-261. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.835512...
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Physicians’ views of programs incorporating stages of change to reduce smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Am J Health Promot. 1998;12(4):254-257. doi:10.4278/0890-1171-12.4.254PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 233. Roche AM, Richard GP. Doctors’ willingness to intervene in ...
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Since the dataset was constructed with a balanced panel of 16 three-month periods, each parent contributes to each time dummy once. Using this approach, we account for the interdependence of repeated measures and model within-individual change in psychotropic medication use relative to the timing ...
STRRP is based largely on the premise that people need to be ready for change [45]. This model suggests that individuals move through five stages of change, from not thinking about change to maintaining long-term change. This approach requires that the clinician continually assesses the client’...
The potential for OAT to have an influence on more chronic consequences of dependent opioid use would not be expected except insofar as OAT was being delivered at a certain level of quality and intensity. Although we extracted information on the context of OAT provision where reported, there was...
This chapter provides a brief overview of adolescent substance use for reference by primary care clinicians, dietitians, and adolescent medicine specialists. The first section provides a general review of adolescent substance use, including the biopsycho
Background. Substance use is a growing concern globally and its association with students’ academic performance is not well studied. Objective. This study was aimed to assess the prevalence of substa...