将ao的次生射线(secondary rays)改为80,点击烘焙全部,ao,曲率,位置,厚度四张贴图,检查烘焙出来的贴图是否正确 0504_creating_basic_iron_material P41 - 00:01 创建基础金属材质图层 添加图层,添加iron raw damaged材质(有点老旧和破损),这是最基础的材质,所有的修改都在这个材质之上。 surface grain:颗粒感0505_a...
substance painter模型对称金属度光照接缝 在Substance Painter中,对称金属度光照接缝可以通过以下步骤实现: 1.打开Substance Painter并导入您的3D模型。 2.在右侧的属性面板中,选择“Material”选项卡。 3.在“Material”选项卡中,选择“Metallic”通道。 4.在“Metallic”通道中,将“Symmetry”选项设置为“On”。 5....
Substance 3D Painter 2024是由allegorithmic公司全新研发的一款功能非常强大的3D绘画软件,能够让设计人员在进行3D绘画制作时更加容易,也是一个十分给力的次时代纹理贴图绘制工具,可以让你制作出来的贴图更加符合现代游戏的要求。该软件拥有强大的粒子绘画和材质绘制工具,当用户在构建3d绘画时,不管是往物体上撒水,还是在上面...
1.下载substance painter。教程去b站搜这个,搜的时候注意这个两个单词中间空格。2.下载full substance painter live link。软件入门简单,下面说下插件的使用方法。 我不能zai失去 默默无闻 1 解压插件的压缩包,复制hhconnect文件夹,图片上有路径。找到sp安装目录,在这个路径下粘贴进去。然后打开sp,会多一个图标。
Subsurface Material TypeThis page list the various type of materials that can be created with the Subsurface scattering feature and how to configure Substance 3D Painter to create them. For each type of material is given a scale and color which can be set in the Subsurface Parameters....
Substance Painter Stylized Metal - Smart Material 这是Substance Painter智能材质,可用于2018.2或更高版本的Substance Painter。该包装包括18种风格化金属材质预设。 This is a pack of Smart Materials for use in Substance Painter 2018.2 or later. This pack includes 18 stylized metal materials; ...
Substance 3D Painter 3,490 conversations Substance 3D Designer 1,288 conversations Substance 3D Assets and Community Assets 252 conversations Welcome to the community Topics Layout Rendering Lighting Materials Graphics Models Import & Export +1
To add multiple request, use a comma " , ", for example : "cobalt , gold" (if a comma is you used, the search will only show a resource that match both keyword at the same time) To search for an exact name, use an exclamation point "!" at the end, example : di! (will re...
我尝试使用多种软件工具制作渲染,从 Substance Painter 自身开始。配置iRay使Painter成为一个高效的工具可以查看模型,也可以在设计过程中创作高端的渲染,同时改善设计迭代的过程。这里是iRay渲染的一些例子。 在Substance Painter 中纹理的同时使用iRay进行渲染
Substance 3D Painter Substance 3D Sampler Substance 3D Stager Substance 3D Designer Substance 3D Modeler Substance 3D Assets Adobe Substance 3D Powerful tools for 3D creators. Five apps. A massive library of assets. Design materials, capture and create 3D assets, and render scenes. ...