Substance 3D Designer的新版本是12.3。这次更新的重点是Substance 3D Designer的新的程序建模工具集,增加了对子图的支持,用于编辑曲线的新节点,以及一些流程改进。 将模型图作为子图重用和实例 Substance 3D Designer 12.3对Substance模型图做了很多修改,这是Substance 3D Designer 11.2去年引入的新的程序建模系统的基础。...
If the reason is that overtime and workload are heavier than I thought since I came to China, I haven't finished much of this project yet. In fact, I was mistaken for not working overtime because China is a socialist country.Ha ha. I sincerely hope that thise-bookwill serve as a g...
[UI] Fixed an issue that allowed the environment light to be deleted when the environment light was selected, even if not the visible tab. [Undo] Fixed an issue where reverting a file to a saved state was not undoable. 1.2.0 (
Adobe发布了Su..作为子图的重用和实例模型图Substance 3D Designer 12.3 对Substance 模型图进行了许多更改,这是去年在Substance 3D Designer 11.2中引入的新程序
具有可见if和从头编译的新着色器API性能 跟着ASM着色器的开辟,API中的一些更改具有两个光鲜明显的性能: Visible If:可以按照前提展示或埋没着色器参数,使着色器UI更容易于浏览。 从头编译:经由以特定技巧声明参数,此刻可以禁用部门着色器并在参数更改时从头编译以对其开启优化。这许可抛弃未运用的性能。
If you want to keep your Master Graph clean put the visible if the option of your Sub Graphs to false or 0. That way your Sub Graphs work when you are editing them but only the output you didn’t如果您想保持主图清洁,请将子图选项设为 false 或 0 时可见。这样子图在您编辑时可以工作...
You now know all about the commonly used terms of Substance 3D Painter. Next, you can learn aboutusing the layer stack. Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask, come and participate in theSubstance 3D Painter community. We would love to hear from you. ...
Crash when opening project if 2D view is visible Offline /Send Message Froyokgreentooth Dec 2015 SP 1.7.0 Changes : [Performances] Compute layers content and their thumbnails at the same time [Export] Save export path as relative when next to the project ...
Now in the Visible If section of the palette 1 parameter, let’s add a command that turn it visible only if the Multi switch #3 is set to the value 1. Visible If: input.”MultiSwitch03” == 1 Same for the Palette 2 parameterVisible if: input.”MultiSwitch03” == 2 And same ...
or the arrangement of pine needles on the forest floor. A forest might be sparse and brightly lit or it might be closely packed and gloomy. Here again, the scene’s textures are vital — they convey not only the colors and patterns visible on surfaces, but also information such as the ...