The latest release of Substance 3D Designer is out! This brings several quality of life improvements, in areas such as graph navigation and overall - 14768825 end 再一次改变世界?苹果MR眼镜—Apple Vision Pro正式发布! 虚空造物-杨雪果的分形艺术世界 谁说UE5渲人物写实角色不行?众神UE角色作品盘点 模神争霸?A站最新挑战赛截稿,多位国人大神作品大放异彩!
的更新,用于通过重新路由和分组节点之间的连接来直观地简化节点图。 在Substance 3D Designer 13.0 中,它获得了新的门户功能,可以将数据从图表上的一个点传输到另一个点,而无需生成连接两点的连线。 此外,底层架构已更新至 Substance Engine 9,它引入了对循环的支持,使得在Substance Function Graphs中重复函数成为可能。
Substance 3D Designer 11.2 最初引入Substance 3D Designer 11.2不到两年后,该软件程序几何系统的基础Substance模型图已被删除,新版本不能再打开或编辑在以前版本的软件中创建的模型图。 查看13.0全部新功能列表 阅读推荐 模型师晋升最...
Technical issues Release notes Substance 3D Designer is a material authoring software. It lets you use a node graph to generate textures from procedural patterns and noises, as well as manipulate bitmaps. A word or concept used in Designer is unfamiliar to you? Go to our Glossary to learn ...
This month we're a little light on the Designer-specific news, but there's plenty of good stuff here around the Substance 3D world overall. Let's go! Substance News Meet MAT 4 has begun! The outstanding art toy texturing contest Meet MAT is back! The goal: use Substance 3D...
Substance Painter 2.5 带来期待已久的透明度控制,向脚本 API 引入新的选项,并添加色彩管理作为我们持续推进 VFX 和动画工作室需求的一部分。 此次更新还添加了对 Substance Designer 6 的支持,为 Substance 材质和 Filter 滤镜提供文本输入以及许多其他改进和修复。
The system's Timeout Detection & Recovery (TDR) timer is too short to let Substance 3D Designer finish its current computations before the graphics driver is restarted. Computations performed by Substance 3D Designer can be very intensive and use the graphics drivers to a degree which it does ...
永久许可证曾经通过Steam 提供,价格为 149.99 美元,于 1 月 1 日终止,Adobe 宣布“将我们的 Steam 产品重新集中在我们的两个旗舰应用程序上:Substance 3D Painter 和 Substance 3D Designer”。 价格和系统要求 Substance 3D Sampler 4.3 适用于 Windows 10+、CentOS 7.0+/Ubuntu 20.04+ Linux 和 macOS 11.0+。
The powerfulsubstancematerial included in this package will let you createUNLIMITED customized surfacescontrolling each detail of the glass easily. This was developed using Substance Designer, to offer you thehighest quality and realismfor your games. ...