Counseling psychology Complex Traumatic Stress in Substance Abuse Treatment UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIASANTA BARBARA Merith A. Cosden DonahueMegan TMany women with substance use disorders (SUD) have experienced complex psychological trauma including childhood interpersonal victimization. Research confirms that many ...
Washington, DC: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; 2005 8. Institute of Medicine. Broadening the Base of Treatment for Alcohol Problems. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 1990 9. Carroll KM, Schottenfeld R. Nonpharmacologic approaches to substance abuse treatment. Med Cli...
SANTA BARBARA Merith A. Cosden BakerAmber SomersetDrug abuse is a major problem affecting the substance abuser, his family, and the community; addiction is associated with criminal activity, illness, and death. High rates of treatment attrition, relapse, and re–offense have sp...
SANTA BARBARA Merith Cosden PanteleakosFrances Nicholas (TinaThe purpose of this study is to add to existing knowledge about trauma and dissociation within a clinical population seeking treatment for substance abuse. The significance of peritraumatic dissociation in non-substance abusing, psychiatric ...
Freeman-McGuire, Michael G.Fielding Graduate University.Freeman-McGuire M. An Investigation into the Barriers to Treatment and Factors Leading to Treatment and Long-Term Recovery from Substance Abuse among Registered Nurses. Santa Barbara (CA): The Fielding Graduate University. 2010....
Methods to improve the study of child neglect are also identified as they pertain to families affected by substance abuse and trauma.University of California, Santa Barbara.Hughes, Jennifer B.University of California, Santa Barbara.
OPIOID abuseCOCAINE-induced disordersResearch Objective Use of multiple substances is common among adults who misuse opioids. Adverse consequences of drugs are more severe among multisubstance relative to single drug users. It is not known whether adults with multiple substance use disorders (multi㏒UD...
SANTA BARBARA Merith Cosden HopsickerRachel JThis study examined the impact of a parenting intervention on child development, parenting ability, and family functioning in a trauma-informed residential substance abuse treatment program for women and their children. Recent research supports the inclusion of...
Counseling psychology Parental Substance Abuse and Child Neglect| Findings from a Family Treatment Drug Court UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIASANTA BARBARA Merith Cosden HughesJennifer BChild neglect is the most common form of child maltreatment, and yet less recognized, treated, or researched than child ...
Dissertations & Theses - GradworksFreeman-McGuire M. An Investigation into the Barriers to Treatment and Factors Leading to Treatment and Long-Term Recovery from Substance Abuse among Registered Nurses. Santa Barbara (CA): The Fielding Graduate University. 2010....