The meaning of SUBSTANCE ABUSE is excessive use of a drug (such as alcohol, narcotics, or cocaine) : use of a drug without medical justification.
substance abuse n. Excessive, inappropriate, or illegal use of a substance, such as a drug, alcohol, or another chemical such as an inhalant, especially when resulting in addiction. Also called chemical abuse. substance abuser n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
The article reports on an addiction training program at Caron Treatment Centers' New York City offices which offers free substance abuse training to pediatric residents and fellows. A discussion of the curriculum and goals and objectives of the program is presented. The impact the program will have...
abuse (redirected fromPolySubstance Abuse) Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms abuse mishandle; misapply; pervert; revile, malign; mistreat:The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. Not to be confused with: disabuse– to free a person from deception, error, or misconception:I want to ...
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Almost half of grade eight students in Québec have consumed alcohol—an alarming statistic considering that alcohol and drug abuse at a young age can affect the brain, push teenagers to drop out of school, trigger mental illness and lead to long-term addiction. But science has a solution: co...
Protecting Children from Substance Abuse: Lessons from Free to Grow Head Start Partnerships Published:Oct 01, 2000 Publisher:Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research Human ServicesDisabilityEarly Childhood Download Full Publication Authors Mary Harrington...
Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction - compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances, explosive anger, or any other behavior that's out of control - knows that when the urge comes on it's irresistible. The seduction is too strong. So we train again and again in less hi...
Antidepressants, benzodiazepines and non-opioid analgesics were chosen most frequently; medications from each of these substance classes were ingested with other agents in approximately two-thirds of cases (Fig. 1b, Online Resource Table 3). For both sexes, the same substance groups dominated, albeit...
(redirected fromSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia sub·stance (sŭb′stəns) n. 1. a.That which has mass and occupies space; matter. b.A material of a particular kind or constitution. ...