在这里,在上面的代码中,行从原始 DataFrame 中永久删除。 本文由纯净天空筛选整理自nidhi_biet大神的英文原创作品Create Subsets of a Data frame in R Programming – subset() Function。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。
The subset function is available in base R and can be used to return subsets of a vector, martix, or data frame which meet a particular condition. In my three years of using R, I have repeatedly used the subset() function and believe that it is the most useful tool for selecting eleme...
To get the subset of the data frame by rows & columns in R, you can use the basic Rsubset() function, square bracket notationdf[], orfilter()fromdplyrpackage. The subset() is a versatile R function that allows to subset the data frame based on specified conditions for the rows and c...
perhaps we would like to look at only observations taken with a late time value. This allows us to ignore the early “noise” in the data and focus our analysis on mature birds. Returning to the subset function, we enter:
the primitive replacement operators such as “[<-” duplicate their first argument only if it is stored in two or more variables (or list elements), regardless of the context in which it is called. This violates the usual pass-by-value semantics of R function calls. For example, the call...
Example 2: Fix the Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type ‘list’ This section shows how to deal with the “Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type ‘list'”. For this, we simply need to exchange the list function by the c function, i.e. we need to subset ...
Is R base::subset() really that bad? Notes discussing subset() often refer to the following text (from help(subset), referred to in examples: 1, 2): Warning This is a convenience function intended for use interactively. For programming it is better to us
Key R function:filter()[dplyr package]. Used to filter rows that meet some logical criteria. Before continuing, we introduce logical comparisons and operators, which are important to know for filtering data. Logical comparisons The “logical” comparison operators available in R are: ...
Let’s jump right to the programming part. Example 1: Extract Certain Data Frame Rows Based On Row Names In this example, I’ll show how to select particular lines of adata framebased on the row names of this data frame. First, let’s create an exemplifyingdata frame in R: ...
V<-round(rnorm(150),2) names(V)<-sample(LETTERS[1:26],150,replace=TRUE) V[grepl("^R",names(V))] Output R R R R -1.36 2.25 -0.67 0.12 Subset the vector V based on the names of element Use grepl function to subset vector values starting with S − ...