Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics (with William Fowler ) for work done in the 1930s, which established an absolute upper mass limit, now called the Chandrasekhar limit, for an astronomical object in which the pressure support comes from electrons being crowded as closely ...
1 介绍一下Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar苏布拉马尼扬·钱德拉塞卡,FRS(泰米尔语:சுப்பிரமணியன் சந்திரசேகர்,英语:Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,1910年10月19日—1995年8月21日),印度裔美国籍物理学家和天体物理学家,又译作钱卓斯卡或钱卓西卡。1983...
Chan·dra·se·khar (shän′drə-sā′kär, chŭn′drə-shā′kər),Subrahmanyan1910-1995. Indian-born American astrophysicist who shared a 1983 Nobel Prize for his work on the structure and evolution of stars, especially his theories concerning the development of white dwarves. ...
Astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar of the University of Chicago pauses briefly at the base of the Henry Moore sculpture 'Nuclear Energy' on his daily walk to his campus office shortly after he and William Fowler of the California Institute of Technology won the 1983 Nobel prize for Physics ...
Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer a question about Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar's Nobel Prize in Physics Additional Learning Learn more about Chandrasekhar with the lesson titled Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar: Discovery, Inventions & Contributions. Here are examples of what's in this lesson...
Eddington disliked the idea and talked Chandrasekhar out of it. But when Chandrasekhar won the Nobel Prize in 1983, it was partially for discovering this Chandrasekhar limit. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Quotes in A Brief History of Time The A Brief History of Time quotes below are all either ...
V. Raman, who had won a Nobel Prize. It also mentions that Chandrasekhar became a professor at the University of Chicago, where he pursued many venues of physics.HaughtJames A.Free InquiryEugene N.Parker.Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar.Physics Today. 1995...
Indian–American theoretical astrophysicist S. Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics (withWilliam Fowler) for work done in the 1930s, which established an absolute upper mass limit, now called the Chandrasekhar limit, for an astronomical object in which the pressure support comes from...
(redirected fromChandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan) Encyclopedia Wikipedia Chan·dra·se·khar (shän′drə-sā′kär, chŭn′drə-shā′kər),Subrahmanyan1910-1995. Indian-born American astrophysicist who shared a 1983 Nobel Prize for his work on the structure and evolution of stars, especially...
Chandrasekhar, SubrahmanyanBorn Lahore, Pakistan, 10 October 1910 Died Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21 August 1995 Indian-American theoretical astrophysicist S. Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics (with William...doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9917-7_263Roy H. Garstang...