high elves would never do. They also adopted hairstyles that went against the norms of high elf society. Blood elf males typically have slender, muscular, and athletic bodies. They possess long pointed ears, acute senses and keen sight in the darkness. Blood elf females possess the same ...
Elf Subrace[edit] The fell elves are known to be a cunning sort. They are usually associated with "other" elves like drow and shadar-kai in comparison with the usual high elves or eladrin sort. Fell elves were allegedly thrown out of their home by the Seldarine and thus spurned by the...
Elf Subrace[edit] Shadow elves are a subgroup of elves that were exposed to the powers of Shadowfell. However, unlike the paleshadar-kai, these shadow elves have skin that ranges from a midnight black to a deep twilight purple. In this way, they are almost like drow in pigment. However...
A female night elf archer,Source The night elves (or kaldorei, which means "Children of the Stars" in their native tongue) are a race of elves that have a great resemblance to wood and dark elves. They have silver to golden eyes with no pupil and with a dark to light purple skin, ...