ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row 是一个Oracle数据库错误,它表明在一个期望返回单行数据的子查询中,实际上返回了多行数据。这通常发生在子查询被用作标量子查询(即被期望返回一个单一值,如一个数字、字符串等)的上下文中。 导致ora-01427错误的常见原因 查询逻辑错误:子查询的WHERE...
select查询出错single-rowsubqueryreturnsmorethanonerow 出错原因是 select x from tablea where column=(select b from tableb)⽽⼦查询返回的结果不⽌⼀条 按这个情况查询,有没有办法解决不出错⼜能查询到?select x from tablea where column=any(select b from tableb)select x from tablea where ...
你好,这个错误一般是由于你select中嵌套的select子查询返回不止一条数据导致的,即你的sql /* Formatted on 2013-11-21 16:50:43 (QP5 v5.163.1008.3004) */ CREATE VIEW CUX_EHR_POS_STRUCTURE_V AS SELECT o.codeitemid EPK,k.K011J OPK,'苏轨人力层级' STRUCTURE_NAME,(SELECT K011...
it errors out with a 1242 Subquery returns more than one 1 row...but the weird thing is there is no subquery??? it only seems to be happening to this one table. If I Insert a record via the GUI window display it displays the query it is about to run (I copied that) and then ...
ORA-01427: 单行子查询返回多个行 sql语句如下: select h.operator, to_char(h.operate_tm, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') operate_tm, (select t.res_label name from sysmngdba.res@msp t where t.id = h.system_id) system_id, (select t.res_label name ...
Oracle Fusion CX Sales Cloud Service - Version and later: Error ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row, when searching for an Account r
To process the failed order you will need to search the console products using each SKU code on the order. These can be found on the Queue error payload under the line items. When searching the products in the console, you will see one of the SKU codes appear twice in the list ...
If the subquery returns more than one row, error 1242 occurs. In that case, the query should be rewritten as: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE column1 = ANY (SELECT column1 FROM t2); Incorrectly used table in subquery: Error 1093 (ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED) SQLSTATE = HY000 Message = "You can...
select x from tablea where column in(select b from tableb); 一般“1 = N”时就会报这个错,看你的实际用途,是在一个范围内的话可以采用上述方法,这种错误也经常在DML 语句中出现! 引用1 楼 suiziguo 的回复: select x from tablea where column=any(select b from tableb) ...
我觉得错误在于你多写了括号的原因的 and a.assetid in(select mp.parentassetid from t_medianews_program mp,t_program_segment ps,t_segment ts where mp.subassetid = ps.parentassetid and ps.subassetid = ts.assetid and ts.name like '%111%',select cp.parentassetid from t_...