SubprimeCrisis 次贷危机形成及传导机制
LessonsandOpportunities 什么是次贷危机WhatisSubprimeCrisis 1.次贷信用不够好,收入不够高的次级(Subprime)购房者很难获得购房贷款。但银行可赚更高利息打着”住者有其房”的旗号,银行开始次级贷款 Subprimeborrowersweredifficulttogetaloan,butbank maychargeahigherinterest USgovernmentsPromoteHomeownership Bankstarted to...
Market watchers like Hentemann say that volume was driven by private equity investors in auto financing companies who wanted to drive up loan issuance, and therefore, revenue, even extending credit to borrowers who would be challenged in paying back their auto debt. Indeed, in recent years,Black...
A term used to refer to any loan or credit product with terms and conditions that are less stringent than normal. For example, a mortgage product designed to be made available to customers with poor credit histories may be described as a subprime mortgage.” ...
Much has been written over the past year about the subprime mortgage loan crisis. I will add to that discussion with a focus on the borrowers -- many of them minorities and low-income earners - who are now, regrettably, in foreclosure. Individuals with poor credit histories, who are not ...
Thedefinitionofsubprimemortgagecrisis Subprimemortgagecrisiswastriggeredbyalargedeclineinhomeprices,resultinginmortgagedelinquenciesandforeclosuresandthedevaluationofhousing-relatedsecurities 次级抵押贷款危机是由房价大幅下跌引发的,导致抵押贷款违约和丧失抵押品赎回权和住宅相关证券贬值 Dominoeseffect多米诺骨牌效应 雷曼兄弟...
banking and mortgage crisis, arising from over-leveragedsubprimelending schemes, burst into the open, destroying the liquidity [...] 最初产生 在西方、由过度利用的次贷机制引起的不受控制的金 融和贷款危机突然爆发,破坏了发达国家内许多机构 ...
The subprime meltdown led to the financial crisis, the Great Recession, and a massive sell-off in the equity markets. Understanding the Subprime Meltdown Following thetech bubbleand the economic trauma that followed the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, theFederal Reservestimula...
简单实用授课模板:次贷危机Subprime crisis.ppt,The Sub Prime Financial Crisis and IndiaAlok SheelSecretaryEconomic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister 2007 – The ‘INDIA’ Growth Story 9% growth rate 5-7% WPI inflation Tsunami of capital inflows Favou
The Subprime Crisis In the early 2000s, housing prices grew relentlessly, drawing more and more buyers and speculators into frenzied bidding wars. Meanwhile, existing homeowners were encouraged to take out home equity loans, borrowing money against the inflated values of their homes.2 ...