A reevaluation of the presence of a suboxic zone above the sulphide onset and the fine structure of the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea is discussed. The results qualify this phenomenon as an analytical artefact and that the methods used for dissolved oxygen (DO) profiling are not ...
Gene probe design Based on the above-described 16S rRNA and rRNA gene clone libraries, a probe directed against crenarchaeotal cells of the suboxic zone was designed with the PROBE_FUNCTION tool of the ARB package. Probe specificity was validated with the PROBE_MATCH tool of the ARB package, ...
Redox cycling of rare earth elements in the suboxic zone of the Black Sea REE cycling in the Black Sea occurs at the oxic/suboxic interface, not at the interface with anoxic waters as has been reported previously. REE cycling in ...
Different marine crenarchaeotal phylotypes (both 16S rDNA and amoA) were found at the upper part of the suboxic zone as compared with the base of the suboxic zone and the upper 15-30 m of the anoxic waters with prevailing sulfide concentrations of up to 30 microM. Crenarchaeol concentrations...
Model 2: Two-layer nitri$cation-deni- tri$cation model-Some nitrate profiles (Fig. 1, center) are characterized by a zone immediately below the sediment- water interface where d2[N03-]/dz2 < 0, recording nitrification (according to the 0, reduction reaction) underlain by a zone where d...
The main goal of the article is to present comprehensive data on the thermal behaviour, properties, and alteration products of deep-sea sediments from the Clarion−Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ). The new potential proxies of oxic−suboxic diagenesis are proposed and discussed. ...
Falter L, Sansone FL (2000) Hydraylic control of pore water geochemistry within the oxic-suboxic zone of a permeable sediment. Limnol Oceanogr 45(3):550–557Falter, James L., Sansone, Francis J., 2000. Hydraulic control of pore water geochemistry within the oxic-suboxic zone of a ...
Sedimentary Oxygen Consumption and Nutrient Regeneration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone ABSTRACT Nunnally, C.C.; Rowe, G.T.; Thornton, D.C.O., and Quigg, A., 2013. Sedimentary oxygen consumption and nutrient regeneration in the Gulf of Mexico ... CC Nunnally,GT Rowe,DCO Thor...
That depletion in turn seems due to moderate consumption as the water travels the very long trajectories from its zone of sea-surface renewal (Lats. 40–50°S). Although large seasonal variations are expected in both throughflow volume transport and surface productivity (suggesting comparable changes...
In the strongly stratified Black Sea, the suboxic zone is usually at 50–100 m depth and shows <3 μM in O 2 and H 2 S. Suboxic zones favor denitrification which in turn removes many essential nutrients from the water column. In astrobiology, suboxic environments are ...Pinti, Daniele ...