For example, the subnet mask of the Class A address with the partitioning scheme defined above is shown in this figure. The subnet mask is a set of 4 bytes, just like the Internet address. The subnet mask consists of high bits (1's) corresponding to the bit positions of the network an...
The Class A subnet mask tells you the first 8 bits of the IP address represent the network portion of the address. The remaining 24 bits represent the host portion of the address. Let's say a host has the IP address Using the default subnet mask, the network address would...
For Example, take a pair of IP address and subnet mask #1)Convert this Combination into a binary value: #2)The bits corresponding to the subnet mask with all 1’s represent the network ID as it is a class A network and the first octet represents the network ID. ...
For example, the class B network ID with the subnet mask of would be expressed in network prefix notation as As an example of a custom subnet mask, is an 8-bit subnetted class B network ID. The subnet mask uses a total of 24 bits ...
Class C - You are trying to address 256 networks in the third octet, no need to borrow bits from this octet for addressing. You stay with the 8 bits of the first octet and 8 bits from the second octet => 16 bit mask. TL's explains it far better than ...
Rather than there are natural masks or default subnet masks of class a, b &c.Class a: b: c: given local network weekend determines the number and type of IP address based on its default subnet mask....
4A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of 255.255.240。0. What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle?(39.Interent上一个网络的子网掩码为255。255.240。0。请问它最多能够处理多少台主机?)Solution:The mask is 20 bits long, so the network part is 20 bits。 The remaining 12bits...
Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is asubnet-- a segmented piece of a larger network -- design strategy where all subnet masks can have varying sizes. This process of "subnetting subnets" enablesnetwork engineersto use multiple masks for different subnets of a single class A, B or C networ...
The range of the first octet of class A is: 0 to 127 Subnet mask of class A i…View the full answer Previous question Next question Transcribed image text: The default subnet mask for a class A network is 255.255....